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Claiming your TripAdvisor listing is easy and will help you gain more traffic to your website and business!  Just follow the easy steps below!

TripAdvisor is the world's largest travel community with 455 million monthly visitors, 96 million members, 600 million reviews and opinions with 49 sites in 28 languages.  In short, you want to get listed!  The best part, is that it's free.

​Getting listed will allow a diverse community of travelers to engage with your location and hopefully turn those browsers into visitors!

​With your TripAdvisor listing, you can keep up to date information in front of visitors, generate and manage feedback  and track your location's performance.

​To get started, follow along with this fantastic instructional video posted by Toya Wilson-Smith or check out the step-by-step instructions below.
After entering the information for your listing, you may have to wait up to 5 days before you get your approval email.  During this time, strategize how you might use this new resource!  After your listing is approved, be sure to let past visitors know about your listing and encourage them to your review your listing detailing their great experiences!
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Step 1: Create an administrator's account
Step 2: Search to see if your business is already listed
Visit and type your business's name into the "Find and Claim Your Listing" box.  If your business is not listed, then click on "Get Listed Now" under the search bar.  If your business is already listed, click here for your next steps.
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Step 3: Select your business type
You will now need to select your business type from the icons at the bottom of the page.  You should also take a little time to read the TripAdvisor policies for listings also at the bottom of the page.
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Step 3: Fill in your business information
Be sure to fill in the information for your business thoroughly.  On the map, you can also adjust the location of the place marker if it is not correct. TripAdvisor recommends you place the marker at the entrance of your building for visitors to easily find.
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QUICK TIP:  When you get to the image for your listing be sure to only upload JPG or GIF images UNDER 100KB or the picture will be rejected and you will have to re-enter all of the information for your listing again.
Step 4: Now you wait
If your listing was previously claimed...
Sometimes visitors or others who are not you, may claim your listing.  Don't fret, you will just need to verify that you are the true listing owner.  On the page there is a place for you to verify your listing after initially searching for your listing.
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After clicking verify, you will be given a list of ways to verify your listing ownership and how to submit them. 
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